《 最新消息 》 14 May, 2021

疫情升溫了, Kadda Hotel璽賓行旅也早已超前佈署為您與親朋好友維護好防疫安全囉!

疫情升溫了,除了自己做好保護措施之外~~~ Kadda Hotel璽賓行旅也早已超前佈署為您與親朋好友維護好防疫安全囉!

Kadda的中央獨立空調系統設計讓您完全不用擔心疫情感染,我們精心設計這支影片讓您了解我們的中央獨立空調系統是如何運作,不管是前來用餐或是住宿的賓客都能安心無虞,Kadda Hotel嚴格遵守政府防疫規範,並以最高層級之衛生防疫標準來進行各項服務,除此之外,我們也每日落實:

  • 全體員工及貴賓入館額溫檢測登記
  • 全館加強清潔消毒 保持用餐桌距與人潮分流
  • 多處備妥感應式手部消毒液
  • 須實名制填寫防疫切結書及旅遊接觸史調查問卷


服務專線 03 8316631花蓮市民權路2-6號 住客健康聲明切結書連結網址:https://www.surveycake.com/s/1wMK1

Remember how we went through the severe COVID-19 storm last year?
All of our rooms and restaurants have adjusted the space according to social distancing regulations and are equipped with hand sanitizer.
And all hotel guests and staff are required to have a temperature check at our single entrance. And today we encountered an even more challenging situation in Taiwan. Let's persist in this precaution measures and fight the fight together!

